The angry joe one he is a creep for sure but she writes like she is a powerless child. J1tails has responded here and here. Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? Yellowpaco. @djWHEAT It's not confirmed yet. Most stories check out raised, but an accusation was raised against a larger name (Matt Riddle), which has been questioned due to a lot of factors that point towards the accusation being false and the accuser being vindictive towards him. You were so gentle, it felt incredible.". Bro he secured the bag alongside xJawz back in 2010 when they basically worked out how to exploit the youtube algorithm by doing large giveaways requiring entrants to favourite the video. Might Not be a crime necessarily but still pretty messed up. Some people do settle just to keep accusations out of the public eye. You can find Sp00nerisms (the former creature) stream here here. I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. When there's this power over someone's dream, things can become toxic. but seriously fuck joshog. It was more emotional cheating because they were just sending nudes and not fucking, but he still cheated. Some people lie to destroy others, I would not want to be guilty until proven innocent. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. They continue kissing when they get out of the uber. His response. The Precambrian (4500 to 543 million years ago) is a vast period of time, nearly 4,000 million years long, that began with the formation of the Earth and culminated with the Cambrian Explosion. There is no colour, no reason to exclude based on race, nationality or gender. This post is simply to inform and spread awareness of what has been happening. His response was "i don't care. itmeJP also got accused of some stuff here. This woman had a BOYFRIEND at the time, yet she spent an entire night hanging out with another guy and kissing him and now all of a sudden it wasn't consensual? This is just setting a bad precedent for any social or work place related issue. Mr. Fishbein, right, Mr. Hernandez's lawyer, in Supreme Court in December during the . He talked to a girl online, he never met her in real life, he never sent any dickpics or anything and she after years of silence from him tries to initiate again. Thank you so much for everything you did to this community and to me. I was subbed to Witwix for 45 months straight starting from when he first got his sub button. To those who are too scared, It's okay. His statement here(mirror). I guess the 2nd time was fine, but that first time was a no no. Some big streamers have to be sweating. All the potential band wagoners is why Im waiting for my info and evidence to come up than basic statements and basic allegations. I remember being in his lap, still crying. He has responded. yellowpaco allegations here. Cause everything he did was fake af and lies. I request everyone read the allegation against SayNoToRage before trying to end his career. There are hundreds of these stories before depp and there will be thousands after him. Yea man his old sc2 shows were amazing strictly because of the people he had on it (incontrol, artosis, idra, etc). Absolutely deafening intro that guy had, the 'HEY GUYS IT'S SHAGGY AKA GUNIT' would have my ears ringing. Shame he couldnt be here to support her right now but Id say he probably would given his track record of calling out bullshit. It's just a nasty element of human nature, especially of any mob/large group. Feels like a big part of his fanbase probably don't know about the cs stuff and will maybe never know about this stuf. Those who demolished their targets to the point where they are barely alive, let alone in a position to defend themselves. All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. I want to see some bigger streamers like Poki / Lily come out with accusations, but they're not going to risk their multi-million careers if they aren't 100% sure and we get only vague messages like this. Method have made 2 statements here and here. Don't think he did anything, he just kinda faded away. Sometimes I think women think an argument is emotional manipulation, like seriously what are the requirements for it to be "emotional manipulation"? I wonder if anyone is actually surprised that some of these dudes have either very sketchy morals or no morals at all. Implicitly having power dynamic doesnt mean that much if the person is a consenting adult and its not a workplace interaction or couched around one. Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here. Is it me? launders, csgo caster accused of rape here. Can't seem to find anything other than the ominous tweet. Step on me. That isn't sexual assault at all. I'm surprised, but morbidly impressed that nobody has ended up dead yet. Imagine everything you say or write is being read out as dispassionate court transcript by a prosecution against you and behave accordingly. Somebody can make a 5 minute mockup of a fake discord convo and ruin somebody's entire life forever. As far as I know, everything was online and most of it technically didn't happen under they were 18, but still a serious case for grooming. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,, John/Synwyn/He had a lot of GTs I don't remember,, people from his community including his wife,, (unconfirmed!) Emmett Shear CEO of Twitch being called out. Like some of the shit some people did is really fucked. BaconDonutTV response here. When I have read people's account of sexual violence, they usually just describe the mannerisms and physical force used to enact the sexual act. The dude kept his receipts and it's kinda hard to argue with what's there. This girl definetly has mental issues, but not from being raped it seems. i want it now." Blinky_Plz accused of exchanging nudes with a minor here, here, here and here. As usual, we have a ton of valid accusations and terrible actions bundled up with opportunists who are accusing streamers/youtubers of misconduct. It's never really been revealed or talked about. I want to believe he's innocent and he deserves to say his side and defend himself. yeah I remember the exact same thing huh damn long time ago. Manuel Ferrara accused of being abusive here, Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. Not funny. We didn't get a new PotC movie because of some fucking liar. I should at least be able to talk about what I've been though. Here are some tips: another summary site ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. You might be saying " i'm sorry that person felt like that now but x, y, z shows they were happy and consent before during and after.the time". Comments range from calling her useless, pathetic, screaming at her, saying that she cant do anything for herself, saying she has a pitiful community, saying she literally has no idea how pathetic of a person she is, etc. ChrisChanTO response here. Amber Heard, that chick who went after Chris Hardwick come to mind. The AJ one mostly confused me just because she describes "feeling uncomfortable" and apparently never decides to just say "no thanks". You have helped people like me who may not be as confident to telling our stories. I'm not familiar with him, but after googling, yeah he seems pretty big. There's actually other streamers being accused but it seems to be separate from the OP story. Omeed Dariani, CEO of OPGroup allegations here and his response here. What is going on ?!?!? HenryG esports caster accused of being abusive and having sex with no consent here. In a statement on Twitter he wrote: "I was shocked and saddened by the false allegations made . (although she unfollowed me recently it seems), Its something that content producers have to learn in our changing times. Yet there's still people doubting him in the comments. i mean at least you got something out of watching him and that was all you. He hardly got any hate for it for some reason, Tmartn took most of the heat. How is this just now hitting this sub? What a joke. Popular YouTuber Ryan Higa revealed just a year ago that he and actress Arden Cho were together. right?? Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread on all the allegations in the community here. Then your career starts going down, people distance themselves from you, including friends, business partners, financially you start taking a hit, you can't even try and do your job without some random person on the internet calling you a rapist. Him and TB, man, it still hurts. She was due to return to Midway by the 7th March 1944, but she failed to return. Don't think you should take anything negative out of the good vibes youve been feeling. Rape is always going to be a thing, but you can thank decades of brainwashing/conditioning for this type of widespread shit. the blindfold came off and that was not the case. I'm pretty sure all of Canada has the age of consent at 16. More information about Method here. Wow..I'm speechlesshe threatened a woman into silence and still hasn't stopped. So. I remember him taking off his pants. At the risk of stating a socially unpopular opinion, of course. Seems like the guys that knew were in a tough spot and kept their mouth shut until the victims wanted to come out with their stories. Dude literally just sits there playing league without turning on his stream for free money. I'm not really sure she grasp what she did. People will also claim he doesnt have a young audience but the guy worked in partnership with Nickelodeon and Nintendo, additionally YouTube analytics are not reliable as YT itself doesn't verify age with a real form of identification when creating an account. Though, not saying it is impossible. Suicide after being falsely accused of something like this isn't that uncommon. She is really socially awkward and cant handle negativity real well lol. That can literally be career ending for anyone in the public eye. Ill follow up in this thread with proof of the abuse. to court, so these big rights holders get to run roughshod over Youtube et. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. These people are insufferable. Again, Im assuming he doesnt have bad intentions and didnt want to be that person that says Hey are you trying to sleep with me?, No wonder he was banned from offlinetv apparently there was something that happened between him and Poki. Relationships, particularly ex relationships, get ugly. What Happened to Monday: Directed by Tommy Wirkola. The entire story is assumptions of Joe's intents, coupled with her thoughts and doubts at the time which she never expresses. Im not saying you have to blindly believe all people opening about their cases.. but just to keep an open mind about them being true, the same way you are keeping an open mind about the accusations being false. A lot of really gross shit, but then one or two women who were like "I went to his place after consenting to sending him nudes and he wanted to sex me and I said no and left. Asking a 24 year old woman for a threesome being conflated with sexual assault is straight up disgusting. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. Yeah, but what about all the people making apology videos and confirming it was real. Title and the way he writes it makes it seem as if all of them are accused of straight up rape. #fyp. Joe Miller, esports caster accused of sexual misconduct here, here and here. Any idea what happened? She wants to shut him up before it turns around on her. Fedmyster statement apologizing here. Here's DarkTwinge saying you should support those that are suffering: Derrick is streaming on twitch, making vids on his channel and has joined working with another group. Hugs = rape apparently. Get it right, she capitalised the first letter on ever word. Rather chess clips then actual sexual assault drama, I think calling this "drama" minimize the severity of the issue. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days .Reading trough the accusations against Angry Joe. Like the previous commentor said, it comes off more like an awkward date, just with a bit of streamer-drama spice on top. This further tweet from Slasher says that other allegations are pointing at the various people listed in OPs title. He was just with Caroline the whole time. All of these allegations being roped into one list is VERY disingenuous and practically designed to encourage people to go after the named people and "cancel" them. If you believe this post is inappropriate, please report it. Show the evidence categorically deny deny deny and just accept some people wont believe. I mean, it's now come out that it wasn't just one underage girl, that he has had Skype sex with one of them, and that his ex was underage when they started dating. What a dickhead this guy Trey is in the comments. The cringe is almost physical. (cuts to clip of miz being molested on camera by a strong woman and receiving a ban for it a month later). and instead thinks black person? About Grant. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. Some former employees have apparently said that some Method members were aware of this. Go fuck yourself. You can find the archive of the accusations here. Where are Bully Hunters when you need them? I think of Datto, Gladd, Byf, Evan, etc. J1tails accused of grooming a minor and sexual assault here. Here is SS after what had happened Love how half of them are 'committing to working on themselves.' His apology here. Wassabi Productions is a comedy channel on YouTube. I can already see dozens of post of people ostracizing the content creators without even reading the allegations. Now put yourselves in his shoes and imagine how life was for those 2-3 years where everyone thinks you are some abusive pig and friends are cutting you off left and right. The end. I heard that Omeed officiated their fake marriage ceremony. It just feels like it was written in the worst possible light with the most cliche beats possible. Disappointed that I was right, now I need to figure out if the worst thing hes done is scam hundreds of kids while basically breaking the law or sexual assault. God, sociopath attention whores like this ruin the case for real victims and reduce the impact of their word. GMNeal (Koibu) spoke up on a series of Tweets,, Steven Lumpkin , another guy who worked with JP as a DM in a few of his campaigns is also supporting Kaitlyn. He groomed me. To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. That's just insane and this is just a small snipped of how much worse it would get in the future. its weird that A LOT, if damn near not ALL, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police involved. He pointed out that he had ordered all 3 Ubers to refute her statement that she had an Uber and he forced himself into them. Witwix seems to put a lot more context to what happened here, edit: or here Fans of both of the stars rejoiced at their relationship, already guessing it before it was revealed. Sucks people have to even mention the Destiny community in this. A racist. He was cheating but also wasn't explicitly in a relationship with them. BaconDonutTV response here. Seriously, outside of Halloween, the only time I've even heard/seen spook was military fiction to describe spies or those super mysterious, black-suited intel guys. If an inch of popularity brings forth such disgusting behaviours I can't imagine what goes on in hollywood where so much money goes around to buy the silence. DMBrandon accused of sexual assault and others here, here and here. Latest update : Cinnpie accused of sexual assault with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24, USA Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5pm EDT, EU Wednesday, July 1, 2020 10pm BST. Yeah but they're girls and they felt bad so remember when that cosplayer got miz banned? Innocent people don't try and erase everything they have been seen doing on stream if there is nothing being done wrong. Was it bad? Edit: Now that I think about it, he wasn't nice or kind to anyone that he didn't need to suck up to in order to advance his Twitch career at the time. His statement can be found here. $118,120. idk the whole story though ofc, God I want Slasher on the scuffed podcast this week to talk about this. A Law has to be set about fake allegations proven as lies, trying to ruin someone's life and taking away from the real victims and truth should be punished almost as harshly as the innocent accused person would have been if the allegations were true. If it's a personal bias towards him, that's cool. This badger guy already said on twitter that he is going to take legal action against both of them. Others who I did tell blocked me. YellowpacoKim Jong Will "" YellowpacoYabei yell-O Paco Yellowpaco The context is clearly innocent. Sorry about that. Ive been afraid of this making it back to them but Im choosing to not live with that fear anymore. But she didn't, so meh. Maybe it's time more men adopted the Mike P rule since it seems like that's the only sure fire way of not having to fear getting accused of r@pe one day lol. Content producers have to even mention the Destiny community in this thread with proof the! Making vids on his channel and has joined working with another group my ears ringing has... Anything other than the ominous tweet it a month later ) https: // no. And confirming it was real do n't think he did was fake af and.. Makes it seem as if all of Canada has the age of consent at.... Position to defend themselves. relationship with them with him, that chick went! Setting a bad precedent for any social or work place related issue movie because of some fucking.. 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