The connotations of slick in US usage are broader than in British usage. He nudges me back. She was growing slicker by the second, and all he'd done was say a few things to her. Nevertheless, growing up in southeast Texas in the 1960s, I never heard anyone use the expression. Its the only shade they offer. Here is a list of several of the best Quicker than a.. or Faster than a.. one-liners that I made up or found online. My tongue twisted around my eye teeth and I couldnt see what I was. That boy is about as sharp as a cue ball. Braintree Knob Twiddlers 13.9k Joined 22 Jul 2005 Gender: Male Location: San Francisco, Neptune, United States of SPACE Country: Not Selected XBOX Live: Sociopathogen Posted June 15, 2018 Life is simpler when you plow around the stumps. | Sitemap |, He's Not My Boyfriend But He's Mine Quotes. It sure was fun puttm together fur ya. one eyed jack. Cherie Priest, I talk slicker than a pimp from Augusta who just had his linen suit dry-cleaned Drake, God! This phrase is used when youre physically or mentally exhausted and cant go on. Slicker than snot Large Mug. Iza gonna go get me sompim i beback My tongue twisted around my eye teeth and I couldnt see what I was saying. Funny faster quotes funny quotes about faster. I just moped the floor in the kitchen be careful its slicker than owl shit in there 17. Torsion-free virtually free-by-cyclic groups, How to choose voltage value of capacitors. So dry the catfish are carrying canteens. You know, if I wrote the arrangements two years from now, they would probably be a lot slicker. Lauren Oliver, He's slicker than a bald-tired semi on a mile of wet asphalt Waylon Jennings, I mean you're so shy & I'm lovin your tieYou're like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye Nicki Minaj, Christ. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. rev2023.3.1.43269. So let us have it out, God. I hopr yall enjoyed this big Oll list of hillbilly sayings and hillbilly slang. (for when you're behind a driver who hasn't figured out the light has turned green yet) "Its shakin' worse than a cat sh! While these "sayings" are said in all parts of the country, I believe they originated in the populations of the early pioneers. Definition of slicker than snot on a doorknob in the Idioms Dictionary. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Siri Hustvedt. like an ATM card. For instance slicker than snot would come out more like --- slickernsnot. June 14, 2018 in General Banter. Robert B. Parker, He was a bloody genius with these people, slicker than any confidence artist, more popular than whisky in a room full of Irishmen. What a pack of revolting racist pigs on this website! Cherie Priest I mean you're so shy & I'm lovin your tie Cant swing a dead cat without hitting a Wal-Mart. Jan 2013. The original saying probably came from someone who had glass door knobs and snotty nosed kids. I wouldn't trust him any farther than I can throw him. Slicker Quotes The law is that the hungry must be fed, and the homeless must be housed, and the sick must be healed. Combine the two and you have quite the traction-less situation. See this gun? I'm so poor I couldn't jump over a nickel to save a dime. Person 2: Bless your heart honey! It's hotter than the hinges of hell. Approximately five times slicker than snot, four times slicker than snot on a door knob, three times slicker than owl shit, and twice as slick as greased owl shit. Most of the stuff people worry about never happens. "I meant " She moaned, " played bodyguard. ..sold out quicker than a rainbow-print shirt at an LBGT festival. (Everything really, really will work out.) As much sense as a slowly-stewed rhubarb stalk. Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree. #2. God damn you, God, throw down on me and kill me now or let me live! There's part of me that wants to broadcast that. Ill be over yonder dreckly, yall just havta wait a minute, The chitlins are out playin in the sandbox. "Slicker than owl shit" has probably been in use (if not in print) since at least the . Robert B. Parker, He was a bloody genius with these people, slicker than any confidence artist, more popular than whisky in a room full of Irishmen. ..faster than a new version of anything by Microsoft needing to be patched. My impression is that it is not recognized and used as a standard simile in much of the United States, even today. He had a mouth on him. Slicker than. Collection of top 17 famous quotes. roads are slicker than sayings. Your flys down Dont get all het up about it. Posted by john on March 02 2011 at 0145. When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. Ellen Massey, Bittersweet Country (1978) doe list the expression, along with another vivid simile [snippet view]: Robert Hendrickson, The Facts on File Dictionary of American Regionalisms (2000) mentions "slick as a school-marm's leg" (from New England), "slicker'n a smelt" (also from New England), and "slick as a peeled onion" (from Appalachia), but no snot-related similes. One brick short of a load reference to being stupid one day I will. Chuck Wendig, Slicker than snot on a door handle. Top 30 Slicker Than Quotes Famous Quotes Sayings About Slicker Than. So in the future you guys need try to be slick, be slicker than a six year old. ..disappeared faster than a [snack food] at a [diet program] meeting. Slicker than the guts burst from some roadkill's arse. | Contact Us Dummer than a stack of anvils. Shoot him once for mee he owes me 5 dollars. A similarly described physical object (e.g. As scared as a bird being eaten alive. You kill, too, but I make a slicker job of it. What capacitance values do you recommend for decoupling capacitors in battery-powered circuits? ..disappeared faster than a watermelon in the hands of Gallagher. All Rights Reserved. A phrase that sounds sympathetic, but is really used when the person thinks that the actions or words of the speaker are stupid/ dumb. Do EMC test houses typically accept copper foil in EUT. Youre worn slap out when youre dog-tired and so beat you cant go on. It often happens on. The slickest of all road conditions. If we don't get it in the wash, we'll get it in the rinse. The quantifiable evidence is not on your side: if you use Google's Ngram viewer to compare the usage frequency for "The road was slick" for the 2009 American English corpus versus the 2009 British English corpus, you'll discover that it is recorded as having zero frequency in BrE. Your email address will not be published. Parenting only affirmed what I already cared about, and that's good Dar Williams, To love our neighbor in charity is to love God in man." The ice is slicker than Vaseline on a porn star. I'm as poor as a church mouse. Busier than a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I was looking for an analogy to describe the lack of loyalty my platonic friend has for me and any plans we might have if he finds a potential romantic date instead. ..gone faster than a (container of indigestion remedy/domesticated animal) in a (restaurant). For me, describing a person as slicker than snot on a doorknob strongly suggests that they are given to sophistry, equivocation, evasiveness or the deceitful manipulation of appearances; they are certainly not to be trusted. Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree. Here is a list of several of the best quicker than a or faster than a one liners that i made up or found online. Happy to read and share the best inspirational Slicker quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. Nobody is sicker than the man who is sick on his day off. It's a saying amateur wrestling. Honest If that ain't a fact, God's a possum. Slicker than smooth gravy on a gritty walrus ass. Lauren Oliver, I was afraid of it, because I liked it. | Privacy Policy 20A/3, Seal lane, Tangra, kolkata, West Bengal 700015. mental health volunteer opportunities bay area. A particularly slippery patch or someone who is shady or slick Believe it or not this is one of the least disgusting ways Southerners describe. Glorify Sustainable Organisations since they benefit all society Miguel Reynolds Brandao. Two can live as cheap as one if one dont eat. Does Cosmic Background radiation transmit heat? Iffin youd be more spific bout what your askin I might be able to help youins out. Country: United Kingdom. to land someone in the shit. The phrase thus seems likely to have originated in the U.S. South or West no later than the very early 1950s. The expression is popular throughout the South but possibly originated in Texas. Look me up when youre in. Smoother than a baby's ass. It's a colourful expression, but a pretty vulgar one. Glad you corrected it!!! Showing search results for "Slicker Than A" sorted by relevance. Bruce Johnston, Everything was elegant and cool, including Frederics, who was slicker than the path to hell. one foot in the grave and the other on a banana skin. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2023 Post category: mark bailey trade centre wales car collection mark bailey trade centre wales car collection Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. IF SHE HAD TO HAUL ASS shed have to make two trips we was so poor we couldnt pay attention slicker than owls sht shes uglier than hand made soap if my aunt had balls shed be my uncle. At the start of a round The guy on bottom is on all fours, and the guy on top starts on top. In my humble opinion, all these sayings are more endearing when spoken in a southern or hillbilly accent. Im so horny even the crack. The other glass teat: further essays of opinion on television, Ellison himself is pretty slick with words, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Posted by Ted on February 21, 2011 at 14:11. Heres MyStory. What are you looking at? Books! The best sermons are lived, not preached. Mal Peet I know the rules. (LogOut/ Dont let that city slicker con you out of all your hard-earned money. What tool to use for the online analogue of "writing lecture notes on a blackboard"? It excited me. For instance, slicker than snot would come out more like --- slickernsnot! "He cracks a smile then. Based on the idea that if you grab onto a doorknob that has something unknown on it, your first instinct is to let go. What does "slicker than snot on a doorknob" mean? Exploring the Aegosexual Disconnect Issue, Why Are We Friends? Podcast: List of AllConnections. ..quicker than (celebrity) signing up for a (notorious topic celeb is linked with) convention. Glendon Swarthout, What are you looking at?" Better to keep your mouth shut and seem a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Looks like two puppies fighting under a blanket, Colder enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, Dont let your battleship mouth over-ride your rowboat ass, Tongue is loose on both ends with a spring in the middle, Dont piss on my shoes and tell me its rainin, Dont count your chickens before they hatch, ya caint clean up the creek without removing the hogs wollaring in it! Doorknobs, generally being made of smooth materials such as brass or glass, are somewhat slippery. Right here youll find a big O list of hillbilly sayings and slang. I was going to say that made NO sense at all. I used to work for this Canadian guy who had all these sayings, like "busier than a one-armed paperhanger" and "busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest" and "better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick", let's hear more since we finished the . He had a mouth on him. | Contact Us slicker than owl shit cool, neat-o; an amplified version of "slick" Dude, that new suit is slicker than owl shit. They glint slightly, a pleasant muffled clinking on the sheets. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. by Gramielson November 8, 2012 Get the Slicker than seal shit mug.