Puerto Vallarta is a beautiful town and an incredible place for a vacation! A teenager swimming in the ocean at midnight?! I mean, swimming at midnight is a normal thing? That was just really bad.". Nevada native Kiana Hummel, 18, was swimming just before midnight in the ocean near her Marriot. You NEVER swim in the sea at night. An 18 year old in Mexico without parents. Instead she was sitting on sand with a friend hanging out. "After about 30 seconds of re-evaluating the situation, we all decided we needed to start throwing things at it. Melissa Laurie, 28, was swimming in a lagoon at night with her twin sister Georgia on a beach located about 10 miles from the city of Puerto Escondido, a popular surf resort with British tourists, when the crocodile attacked, grabbing Melissa and dragged her under the water. As for (1), English might be helpful, but that picture of a croc that is clearly on the sign would have more effect on me than words. Typical American response - who can I blame and Sue for a complete act of nature. "Until that moment, never in my wildest dreams would I have thought a crocodile was on that beach. The comments on this page have not been provided, reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any advertiser, and it is not an advertiser's responsibility to ensure posts and/or questions are answered. Melissa Laurie, 28, was swimming in a lagoon at night with her twin sister Georgia on a beach located about 10 miles from the city of Puerto Escondido, a popular surf resort with British tourists, when the crocodile attacked, grabbing Melissa and dragged her under the water. The only thing I have a problem with, is the claim that the hospital staff did not help her and it took four hours to attend to her injuries which sound like they were pretty severe if she was unable to walk. Absolutely, the hotel doesn't own the sea and not responsible for teaching its guests common sense. A witness who heard the screams of 18-year-old Kiana Hummel as the Bay Area girl was being viciously attacked by a 12-foot crocodile at a Marriott resort in Mexico last week wrote a rather . Snakes come out at night as well ! Not Marriotts fault. Terrifying: Crocodile Attack At Marriott Puerto Vallarta, Teen attacked by crocodile at Mexico beach resort. Do we really want to have signs in all kind of languages on every beach? Anti-Vaxx, Anti-Mask, Night swim where signs have "pictures". We have a friend who use to love to take early morning walks on the beaches next to the Marina, but she stopped doing that because of the Crock danger even in the early morning hours. "Honestly, I will never forget it when the crocodile's head came above water. . It's an ocean. But in this scenario it's common sense 101 that you DON'T enter unfamiliar waters, alone and especially at at night. https://t.co/kWY5S6eOU4 pic.twitter.com/NkIWtQvymo. Afraid of sharks? This all depends on whether she can get her case into an American court, which will probably not be that difficult in that Marriott secured her business by advertising in the United States. Kianas friends have set upa GoFundMe page to help raise funds for the teenagers medical expenses and recovery. Namely, taking a "midnight swin" in tropical waters. The hotel doesn't own the ocean and unless they somehow forced her to do a night swim I don't see how they should he held liable for her getting attacked, this to me comes down to personal responsibility and common sense. 2 Colorado tourists attacked by crocodile in Mexico | 9news.com. Even the local children sometimes swim in the rivers knowing this. It's a mushy legal standard but a hurdle for a plaintiff. The vacationing California 18-year-old. The Bay was famous for the huge number of dolphins that were often playing around! Swimming in any ocean at night is dangerous (as others pointed out) and blaming the hotel for a wild animal attack in the wild environment (the ocean) is just strange. Very American to deny any responsibility and to blame the other party. Our staff is trained in how to respond to safety matters appropriately. The incoming college freshman said that she's grateful not to have lost a limb and that she will eventually walk again, despite serious muscle and tendon injuries. It all depends on the facts. It is a horrible thing that happened to her but blaming the hotel for not posting signs that are big enough is like blaming a coffee shop that they didn't warn you that coffee is hot. Jesus Patti do you always go so far out of your way to act so woke? A hole dug deeper than two feet will most likely result in finding a snake pit below the sand. and then not have emergency procedures in place for your guests. The "liability/risk management" calculation: attacks are rare (unheard of during the day), signs are posted, if a guest takes a reckless risk, most people will be sympathetic, but won't blame the resort. A hospital trip there can be pricey. , Laney said: It was definitely one of the craziest and scariest things Ive ever experienced Honestly, Ill never forget it when the crocodiles head came out above the water. And why should she be expecting a croc in the ocean? The teen is expected to make a full recovery, though it'll be a long journey to get to that point. Helloooo!!! Please dont write these biased sensationalist All American posts. She said she had almost escaped when the crocodile grabbed onto her left ankle and dragged her back under. The 12-foot reptile attacked. Please stop. I'm going to Marriot Vallarta in some weeks time and it's in the middle of a quite huge city. If I ever visit Puerto Vallarta, I People apparently did not play the video. Kiana Hummel, 18, is recovering at a hospital after she was attacked by a crocodile while vacationing at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa on Mexico's Pacific coast. However, that smell is masked by the very distinctive smell of marijuana being smoked on the streets of Puerto Vallarta. I can't recall if the signs were bilingual or not, but they had large images of a crocodile on them. Most resorts do post signs about the crocks, but most people ignore them, perhaps thinking it is a joke (?). People are going to assume if there's a beach it's safe to use. I live very close to Cape Cod which is the Great White capital from June-October due to several factors, a primary one being the seals they feast on. Really surprised it was written by Lucky! It could go something like this Reminds me of my visit to the Andaman Islands where there was the possibility of Salties (Saltwater crocodiles -> can grow up to 20 feet, and the salt water makes them super aggressive) in the water, and plenty tourists would still enter the water -> Even when the lifeguards were verbally telling them not to, and there were plenty signs posted, in English, to that effect, Another thing - The sign might be in Spanish, but it has images - and the images are well, not in Spanish. Should not have been in the sea at night where crocodiles are present, no fault of the hotel at all and basic common sense. Silly to believe Marriott is somehow responsible for a tourist with little common sense. Agree regarding the comment about expecting everything in English. Nature is typically always trying to kill you. Just for some perspective, the Marriot is relatively close to the Ameca River outlet and 2 km . Hopefully this American tourist has learned her lesson and will avail herself to PROPER Insurance coverage next time she leaves the country for vacation. There are numerous other animals that can be viewed at El Cora sanctuary including a tejon (Mexican raccoon), turtles, parrots . Again they where NOT in the water and no signs I see in the photos I have. Hummel described the attack from her hospital bed. The only potential liability Marriott should shoulder - in common sense land - is that for delaying her treatment and being unwilling to call an ambulance. "I can't stop thinking about it. I don't. On a relaxing getaway that turned into a nightmare, an 18-year-old girl from California was attacked by a 12-foot-long crocodile while on vacation in Mexico earlier this month. While going for a late-night swim in Puerto Vallarta, it didn't take long for Kiana Hummel to encounter trouble in the form of a 12-foot crocodile. "That call could have been a totally different call.". I can see how she may have an issue with the speed and the quality of medical help provided after the incident but that's about it. So, if you want to sue someone, sue the federal government, not even the PV municipality. Dumbest comment ever. You dont seem too bright so let me help explain it in other ways for you. Kiana Hummel was attacked by a crocodile as she and a friend went on a nighttime swim in the ocean while vacationing in Mexico. Lool, the sign is in Spanish (in Mexico!!!) Kiana Hummel was enjoying her. Yes, she face She probably will have some legal recourse against the property, not necessarily for lack of warnings (this would be evaluated) but for the property's failure to provide proper aid in a timely fashion, which could have aggravated her injuries. By Ed Browne On 6/8/21 at 7:04 AM EDT. A witness, Sarah Laney, 34, a high school teacher from St. Louis, was with friends when she heard Hummel's screams and rushed to the beach to find Hummel's friend desperately trying to pull her to safety. What was supposed to be a relaxing getaway before starting college this fall, turned into a real life nightmare for 18-year-old Kiana Hummel, who was attacke. Our staff is trained in how to respond to safety matters appropriately. She. Also agree that the fact that this was at night needs to be taken into account and it's the ocean, let's face it. But Hummel, Martinez and Laney believe not enough was done by the hotel to warn guests that a crocodile could be in the ocean. I heard about the attack at the pool, from a large group that was vacationing there. "I realize with the amount of pain that I've been in, sometimes I'm not able to verbalize what I really want to say," she said. The . Before she could even get into the ocean, the crocodile emerged: After the attack, Hummel and the bystanders immediately requested an ambulance be called. The sea is full of animals, some of them beging aggressive, poisonous or dangerous to humans. Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities. American privilege means all signs must be in English. I could be wrong, but I believe Do we know if the hotel is managed by Marriott International? Charlie Buhl, a 12-year-old boy from Philadelphia, was attacked by a crocodile while vacationing with his family at Mexico's Club Med Cancun resort in June. I'm in the process of investigating at least one report from another witness that contradicts (apparently) the length of time the ambulance took. Instead a Marriott spokesperson released the following statement about the incident: The safety and security of our guests and associates are our top priority, and we can confirm that appropriate signage, as well as night patrolling and red flags were and are properly in place. Afraid of sharks? According to a Spanish-language news report, in 2018, another woman was also attacked by a crocodile on that same beach. She is also starting her first semester in college and will need a lot of assistance., In other news, Mean Lori Lightfoot Beetlejuice memes go viral as Chicago mayor concedes. Really? Someone needs to be held responsible for that!! I don't think the hotel has any control of wild life so I think when we do things like this there's only some personal responsibility of the risks. No ambulancia. She and her friends ran to help. It is still and independent country with its own language. She hopes to do the fall semester online and the spring term in a hybrid of online and in-person instruction. I did not see a picture of the crocodile. In the US you would never get the chance. It makes me wonder how safe it is to swim there during the day Read this article in my feed and thought it was written by one of the other trabel bloggers, the sensationalist ones. Could people start taking some personal responsibility for their actions? They said they were not given a verbal warning and they only learned of the warning sign after the attack. Kiana Hummel, an 18-year-old who recently graduated from Novato High School in Marin County, was attacked earlier this month by a 12-foot-long crocodile at the Marriott resort in Puerto. A Marriott spokesperson Kerstin Sachlhas confirmed the incident and told ABC7 News: The safety and security of our guests and associates are our top priority, and we can confirm that appropriate signage, as well as night patrolling and red flags were and are properly in place. MARRIOTT HOLDS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE LACK OF COMMON SENSE AND STUPIDITY DISPLAYED BY THE VICTIM. Perhaps she should not be hanging out on sand at night but I think most people would not be expecting a croc comes out of sea and drag someone into Pacific Ocean. It is a wonderful bay with gorgeous sandy beaches all around! One man was swimming in the ocean at night at a resort in Puerto . A teenager from California was attacked and dragged underwater by the huge animal while vacationing at the resort, ending up in hospital after fighting it off. I think Marriott is partly - and perhaps fully responsible - and should pay for some or all of the costs. Latest Headlines | Video shows shooting over stolen car | Vaccine clinic for Afghan refugees. We encourage all guests to be vigilant for their safety.". Im on the phone with her, she screams, Get me an ambulance, bring me an ambulance to the hospital, said Ariana Martnez, who found out about the attack on her daughter on Facetime. If you fell off the ladder it was 20 or 30 feet to the stair case below but the view was amazing. Two US tourists were mauled by a crocodile at Mexico's popular Puerto Vallarta resort when one went for a night swim in the ocean and the other followed him into the water to help. Insane. Im less concerned about the responsibility of Marriott in terms of warning about swimming; there are always risks associated with open water swimming. She's lucky that she's still around to whine and complain that it's someone else's fault that she's a dumbass. Its a beach) are pretty ridiculous claims. MARIN COUNTY, California -- What was supposed to be a relaxing getaway before starting college this fall turned into a real life nightmare for California 18-year-old Kiana Hummel, who was attacked by a 12-foot-long crocodile while vacationing in Mexico with a friend earlier this month. Do you expect a French based company with a store in America to have all their signs in French? World Wildlife Crocodile Nature Mexico. "I just remember saying, 'Please don't leave me,'" Hummel recalled. They just poured bottles of water on her wounds, and put bandages on her. Sarah Laney, a passerby from St. Louis, heard Hummel screaming for help. She made a personal choice, now she is living with the consequences. Going for a swim in PV during the middle of the night is just not on the common sense list anyway. There was indeed a small sign on the beach warning of crocodiles (and other things), but it wasnt lit up at night, and was mostly in Spanish. As others have noted, these things can happen when you go into the ocean, especially at night, but it's something thousands/millions of people do daily. Laney, who was in Mexico to celebrate her completion of chemotherapy, said she shudders to think what would have happened had Hummel been alone that night or if the wood-wielding employee hadn't shown up. However there might be a case in regards to the delay in her getting an ambulance. Kiana Hummel, 18, was on the hotel beach at night in Puerto Vallarta when the creature surfaced and grabbed her. "I don't think I would have gotten out" without them. Yeah, a not very intelligent girl decided to do a not very sensible thing. For bs like this you have rules for anything in US and the atmosphere is so suffocating. Most attacks occur near or in the water. An American teenager has been attacked by a crocodile while on holiday in Mexico. A Bay Area teenager is recovering in hospital after a dream vacation to Mexico turned into a nightmare when she was dragged into the ocean by a crocodile. Even the local children sometimes swim in the rivers knowing this. The incident happened at the Marriott resort in Puerto Vallarta just before midnight when Kiana Hummel and her friend decided to go swimming late. Nature is typically always trying to kill you. The sign was mostly in Spanish, in Mexico oh my god what an outrage. All Rights Reserved. I was in Port Douglas a few years ago and a tourist woman got killed by a croc by jumping in the water at night the day before we got there. Be Careful digging in the sand on the beach. A Tripadvisor reviewer gave . A video was captured by a women walking her dog. I had a little watersport business on the beach, renting out Jet skis, peddle boats and windsurfers. This is a perfect example of the need for emergency evacuation insurance with a medical benefit. Do we really want to have signs in all kind of languages on every beach? WHO THE HELL GOES INTO THE BEACH LATE AT NIGHT?? It is known for its beaches, water sports and nightlife scene. Every summer theres typically at least one attack on a human and its ALWAYS near the shore. The river crocodile is a constant companion in Puerto Vallarta once very abundant in the whole area, is now found mostly in the El Salado Estuary, find out more If you played it, you would know she wasnt in the water swimming when a croc bit her. That forced it to finally let go, and Hummel was taken away to safety. I think it's on the hotel at the time of the incident to then assist the guest with emergency attention. A crocodile attacked a young tourist at the Marriott Puerto Vallarta hotel in Jalisco. And these resorts have plenty of English staff, so they knew she wanted an ambulance. See more about our ethics policies here. No reason why it took 4 hours to get this poor young girl to the hospital!! What a "croc" swimming that late at night. Have something to tell us about this article? I can see how she may have an issue with the speed and the quality of medical help provided after the incident but that's about it. For those who make the argument that a single Spanish-only sign is appropriate, I suggest you go to trip advisor and review the photos of the property. People apparently did not play the video. Its the sharks house, and I more or less refuse to go in it (as much as Ford makes fun of me for it). It's terrible what happened, but SO NOT on the Marriott. Two tourists from Colorado were bitten by a crocodile at Puerto Vallarta in Mexico after one went for a late-night swim and the other tried to save him, authorities say. PUERTO VALLARTA, MEXICO (KABC) -- In Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, two American tourists were attacked recently by a crocodile. Bay Area girl attacked at Marriott. Hummel recalled how determined the creature was. Good luck suing for this in Mexico! Shes one that would walk up to a bear or a bison in state park be attacked and blame it on the park. Just got back from PVR last night. The civil . This story about what happened at a hotel in Mexico is downright awful, though I suppose it could have ended worse. Been swimming with them for years. Once it did, Martinez said the hospital demanded she pay thousands of dollars before giving any treatment. Better to blame the others. Although she is still in the hospital, Hummel is expected to recover completely. A Northern California woman barely escaped with her life after a crocodile bit her leg and wouldn't let go at a Mexican resort, she said Tuesday. two British sisters vacationing in Oaxaca were also attacked by a. SO CRAZY! It seems like something along those lines should have been done all along. She continued to hit the crocodile as hard as she could until it finally let go of her right leg. Does Marriott have any responsibility here? 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