While portraying the image of a standard housewife of the time period, it seems that she is only concerned with the portrayal of this role. She also shows that she is a narcissist when she flaunts her money in front of Mrs.Linde. By seeing Nora as in this light, she seems less of a heroine feminist but as a flawed person. i do not feel this makes her narcissistic. He is attempting to inform her that hes fine without her, but the children and the house arent. You can say she needed the money for her husbands health or you can say she needed the money for Tolvads heath so he would not die and she could maintain her lifestyle? He's clearly very narcisstic. But at the same time, I still feel that goes back to the message of humanism with a human working to aspiring to find herself. She sees herself as the center of the universe, and everyone should cater to her every whim. I found Tuft's purpose was to show that what happens to Nora happens in real life as well. What if she is actually the product of an egocentric society? But that still is not a very good excuse for leaving. Well, actually, maybe during his time, this was the concept many men had of marriage. Each character had a dependent relationship with money - wanting more, not having it, or trying to get it. There was no real similarity between Marcus and Torvald, the only thing I could say is that Marcus suggested to this wife if you need money she should ask her father, where Torvald would not allow Nora to accepted money from her father because Torvald was responsible for his wife financial needs. This is again no way or form standing up for her rights but giving into her selfish desires and trying to "fix" her life based on releasing herself from her environment. Webwife does not follow my wishes but believes herself to be entitled to act on her own, even if this is totally against my orders. It is clear that he firmly believes that a wife should be loyal to her husband, and is extremely angry with Ulrike for leaving him. Torvald didnt know what hit him when his wife decided to leave. Instead, they were limited with opportunities, and the only salvation they felt was through religion. He is very controlling. A ship, namely a merchantman, returning to Archangel and then England will deliver the letter. WebThe narrator is jealous of his wifes ex-husband but also cockily sure of his revered place in her life, expecting at one point to hear her tell Robert about her dear husband. However, However, it seems strange that at the time of Torvald's promotion she finally left. Of course! Although his wife may not have been able to make someone of herself because of the time period, he makes sure to impliment a feeling of guilt and despise to some extent for his wife. Check it out here: ====> Why men leave perfect women <=====, Making Literature Matter in Contemporary Thought, The Secret Ingredient to obsessive love. With all that he is really not taking any blame at all and just putting it all on her. She walks out on her husband and children to take care of herself and her own needs. It matches up to one of the behaviors in the list. Helmer, while being a rather selfish man, was not one to demand so many things from Nora. He pleaded with her to tell him how they could make it work. Marcus puts the blame almost entirely on his wife as the root of the problem. I feel that, at the beginning of the letter, Marcus does realize that it was because of his actions that Ulrike left. Now, whether that's part of the Jewish practices or just Marcus himself, it does not seem like it is something similar to Nora and Torvald because if anyone was being subjected to someone else, Marcus' wife would be Torvald in relatiion to Nora. In the beginning she was excited about the idea of having extra money to spend on what ever she wanted, but it just wasn't enough to keep her with her husband and children. A Doll's House through the eyes of a Marxist, how could I have over looked this, well simply because it was something that I felt went unsaid. Also, Helmer was trying to compromise while the other husband was strict on his position. Which places her as a narcissistic, but truly she was not. I dont think her husband is fitting to the role as well. He basically begged her to stay. They both, also, portray a sense of entitlement and superiority over their wives with regards to both the ways in which they refer to their wives, and their sets of expectations. On speaking to Ms. Linde about Torvolds promotion, she brags that it will ensure a safe, secure job with a comfortable salaryWont t be lovely to have stacks of money and not a care in the world? Ironically, she just finished hearing Ms. Lindes heart wrenching life story, where she learns that Ms. Linde has no family no money and no job. WebWritten by Timothy Sexton. Their marriages must remain intact to silence slanderous lips. His tone in the letter is condescending and self-righteous. BORING. Both men are the head of the household and both men dominate their wives, but I believe Marcus is more badly then Torvald. Helmer is the same in the fact that he wants Nora to apologize for her sin and says that he is responsible for nothing. By taking into consideration of Nora's relationship with Dr. Rank in addition to her husband, Nora can be easily seen as Narcissistic. He does take some responsibility for how he acted, but not much. The most apparent similarities are those of the wife leaving and the husband being left behind with the children. He states, " you will have to follow my wishes." It does not seem Nora ever cared for her children; she did have a nanny care for them instead. a group of Roman senators murdered Julius Caesar as he sat on the podium at a senate meeting. After reading Tuft's article, I completely agree with Nora as a Narcissist. WebBarker for stimulating discussions and the solution to one of the problems; William Waite for pictures from his antique math collection; and Peter Cromwell, Lord & Lady Dunsany, Peter Knoppers, John Lienhard, John Mainstone, David Nicholls, Paul and Colin Roberts, Anders Sandberg, John Sullivan, and others for their valuable contributions. The perspective of the self-searching humanist would be more relatable to current readers, since our present society now has greater value placed upon ambition and becoming all that you can be. %PDF-1.3 I completely agree with Alyssa. Ibsen uses not use as only Nora and Torvald, but every single character big or small to ask a question on human freedom. In her newspaper column and on the air, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt invited the American people to write to her. Since the beginning all she ever really cared about is money and how its so important to have, instead of having family as her number one priority. Whether it be a wife trying to hide her credit card debt from her husband, to a mother leaving her family to reinvent herself. What Nora is really portraying, in her actions, is a concern for her own problems and a disregard for her responsibilities. The difference is , Trovold kind of treats Nora as a child or dog -- giving her rewards for being a "good" wife, like always giving her money and rewarding her with jewlery and clothes. He compares himself to Adam of the bible arguing that Eve sinned first and if not for her, he would never have had that opportunity for sin. He sees no other reason as to why someone would leave in search for their own desires is they weren't content in only pleasing themselves. He was disappointed that knowing the role society has for her in his family and how that reflects upon him, yet she chose to shame them. But Marcus decided to blame his wife for his acting like what Eve did to Adam. She need support from Torvald. Van also helps give Marcus many of the great ideas that make his rebellion succesful. Men might understand, but woman are people, not property. They wanted a life in which was more then just duty to your husband and family. But apparently this is not enough and when he discovers a lie on her part and suspects that this is only the tip of the iceberg she leaves him and the kids slamming the door behind her. When you decide to return (p. 1765) Considering his internally fragile state, he is not controlling her with words. While she is proud of her accomplishments, they are few because she is able to have maids to tend to the things that she would otherwise have to do. I would look at her motive did Nora do all she did - just for herself? In Marcus letter to his wife, not one time did Marcus tell his wife that he loved her? He seems to be very harsh towards his wife. Economics affects my day to day life dramatically, so I agree heavily with the Marxist "tenet" comment that "consciousness is affected by economics". What is sensible to her may not be what is sensible to him. Her husband was really a victim of the times.he did was expected of him.but now that Nora wanted change, he was given no choice in changing himself. It is interesting to see how Marcus talks down to his wife, even going as far as giving her a list of orders. Although Marcus and Torvald both see their wives as less than them, as well as dependent of them, the significant difference between then is that Marcus realizes this while Torvald doesn't. Easy. Marcus claims thats it is her stubbornness and ambitions that prevents them to be his wife again but this is why she doesnt want to be envied and this is why she is leaving.Significant similarities between Marcus and Torvald is the idea that the husband needs to be paid back for the things that he has done for his wife. Web>>>The tone of Marcus's letter to his wife is demanding, authoritative and domineering. WebThe spread of ideas and information to further a cause. That I can say is true because Nora did not have a job of her own other than tendingto the house and basically spending Torvald's money. From the span of Christmas Eve to the dawn of the day after Christmas, you see a woman grow fed up with the world around her and walk out on her entire family. These circumstances being the time period, what is expected of a housewife and mother, and a trophy wife, much like Nora. Marcus's letter reminded me of someone who writes something to a person that left them, blaming everything on that person. One of the similarities between Marcus's letter and Nora's husband is in the fact that both of them want their wives back. It is understandable that outsiders will comment on such a juicy and tragic event as their wives leaving. He, quite honestly, needs her and is using her "responsibilities and duties as a mother" to lure her back in to his arms. /s. I believe that Tufts purpose of saying that Nora is narcissistic is because at first when people read/see the play they make Nora out to be a victim but it's not until you really think it through and see all the angels that you see how selfish she really is, and not the victim people first see. Webcheap houses for rent in davidson county. Marcus tells her the sensible and correct thing to do would be to return home and resume her wifely and motherly duties. His only concern is her contentment. The ending to the play speaks wonders to Noras narcissistic character. The tone of Marcus's letter to his wife Ulrike is that of a business partner or employer. She is very preoccupied with her husbands success. I think this is what all this is about. She's always talking about how her husband is now going to make so much money she will live worry-free. Almost slave like relationship. Overall, I really just thought of A Doll's house as a summary of everyday life, how things can go from everyday normal life to a crumbling mess. MM wants us to think she generously shared her wisdom (and her salsa) with the former First Lady, who needed her finger placed on the zeitgeist as MMand only Meghan!can do. He is almost reprimanding her for her mistakes and he seems very egotistic. I agree with Tuft with the conclusion that Nora is a narcissistic because if she wasn't she would have never left her husband but especially her children who didn't do anything wrong to persue her own desires and ambitions which is wealth. You win some and you lose some. The only one thing I would say deems Nora a narcissist above all else is her departure in the end. Tuft says Nora is narcissistic, and I think that is something we can all agree with. WebBrowning was inspired to mould the character of the Duke on the historical personality of Alfonso II, fifth Duke of Ferrara of the Italian Renaissance whose first wife Lucrezia di Cosimo de Medici died on suspicious grounds. The tone of Marcus's letter is cold and harsh. They are both similar because both of these men expect their wives to live day to day by their rules. He does tell her that she does not really have any choice but to come home. Marcus's letter to his wife i found was very harsh towards his wife. Does he accept any responsibility for their separation? I wonder if Nora thinks about all that while being so into herself with this duties to self. "Women in this society was not 'natural' but artifical, a role created by their relationship to the family and their subservience to men" (1768). The act as if they have all the control and base all there actions upon that.They have many similarities, in the controlling part and in the fact that they believe as men & husbands they have the upperhand with everything that goes on. Marcus warned Ulrike of the contempt and indifference he and the children would face if she didnt return. It seems like Tuft's refers to Nora as a narcissistic character in order explain that it was maybe partially fault of her own that the whole thing ended the way it did. That can't possibly be true, it is not a take take take relationship. She cares more about the positive aspects of her life than the troubles her friend is going through. Divorce or separation meant ostracism; as Marcus writes, 'your husband, children, and He seems to play more of the submissive role in the marriage. WebIn 1345 Italian scholar, poet and humanist Francesco Petrarca (Petrarch) discovered Cicero's Letters to Titus Pomponius Atticus in the Biblioteca Capitolare della Cattedrale di Verona. As the letter implies, Ulrike had left home and children: the letter establishes conditions for her to return. In painting he is generally represented as an old man, with an horrible look, his hair and beard covered with snow, or hoar-frost, with the feet and tail of a dragon. He only stated that the separation was both of their fault in the beginning, but then said, it was more his wife's fault. Nora is seen as a feminist heroin because she was brave enough to walk away from her oppressor, but what if she is the complete opposite of a hero? I guess by those standards, everyone is a narcissist. Both men seem to feel that they are the most powerful of each family. The attraction of money is what kept her in that house fo rso long. People first read the play as feminist and Tuft is allowing us to look at the other side of the story to spark new thoughts and philosophies . If he had indeed reflected on his actions, he would not be telling her "if we want not only to be content for a day but forever, you will have to follow my wishes." You must treat them like him, instead of comprising a list of demands your wife will obey. He continues by stating to their Rabbi "my wife does not follow my wishes but believes herself to be entitled to act on her own, even if this is totally against my orders" - this absolves him from any wrongdoing. The two engage in frequent flirting and they seem to love each other on the outside. Write a news story; write a poem; write an opinion piece. Now from this passage we can only assumed that Marcus wife disobey him or had an affair. 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